Source code for tramp.experiments.plots

import itertools
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ..utils.misc import array2complex

def plot_function(f, xlim=(-3, 3)):
    x = np.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], 100)
    plt.plot(x, f(x))

def plot_compare(x_true, x_pred):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4,4))
    ax.plot(np.arange(100), x_true[:100], label="x true")
    ax.plot(np.arange(100), x_pred[:100], label="x pred")

def plot_compare_complex(x_true, x_pred):
    if x_true.dtype != "complex":
        x_true = array2complex(x_true)
    if x_pred.dtype != "complex":
        x_pred = array2complex(x_pred)
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=False, sharex=False)
    axs[0].plot(np.angle(x_true), np.angle(x_pred), '.')
    axs[0].set(xlabel="phase x true", ylabel="phase x pred")
    axs[1].plot(np.absolute(x_true), np.absolute(x_pred), '.')
    axs[1].set(xlabel="modulus x true", ylabel="modulus x pred")

def format_kwargs(sep, pattern, **kwargs):
    out = sep.join([
        pattern % (key, val) for key, val in kwargs.items()
    return out

def as_query(query_format, **kwargs):
    formats = {
        "pandas": (" & ", "%s=='%s'"),
        "vega": (" & ", "(datum.%s=='%s')"),
        "title": (" ", "%s=%s")
    if query_format in formats:
        sep, pattern = formats[query_format]
        raise ValueError("query_format should be one of %s" % formats.keys())
    query = format_kwargs(sep, pattern, **kwargs)
    return query

    "linestyle": ['-', '--', '-.', ':'],
    "marker": ['.', 'x', '+', 'o', 'v', '^', '<', '>', 's', 'D'],
    "color": [
        (0.12156862745098039, 0.4666666666666667, 0.7058823529411765),
        (1.0, 0.4980392156862745, 0.054901960784313725),
        (0.17254901960784313, 0.6274509803921569, 0.17254901960784313),
        (0.8392156862745098, 0.15294117647058825, 0.1568627450980392),
        (0.5803921568627451, 0.403921568627451, 0.7411764705882353),
        (0.5490196078431373, 0.33725490196078434, 0.29411764705882354),
        (0.8901960784313725, 0.4666666666666667, 0.7607843137254902),
        (0.4980392156862745, 0.4980392156862745, 0.4980392156862745),
        (0.7372549019607844, 0.7411764705882353, 0.13333333333333333),
        (0.09019607843137255, 0.7450980392156863, 0.8117647058823529)

def get_plot_instructions(data, aes_fields):
    def get_values(field):
        return sorted(data[field].unique())
    field_choices = {
        field: get_values(field)
        for field in aes_fields.values() if field
    field_records = [
        {key: value for key, value in zip(field_choices.keys(), record_values)}
        for record_values in itertools.product(*field_choices.values())
    instructions = []
    for field_record in field_records:
        query = as_query("pandas", **field_record)
        pos = dict(row=0, column=0)
        options = {}
        title = label = ""
        for aes in ["row", "column", "color", "marker", "linestyle"]:
            field = aes_fields[aes]
            if field:
                value = field_record[field]
                field_values = get_values(field)
                idx_value = field_values.index(value)
                if aes in ["row", "column"]:
                    title += f"{field}={value} "
                    pos[aes] = idx_value
                if aes in ["color", "marker", "linestyle"]:
                    label += f"{field}={value} "
                    palette = AES_PALETTE[aes]
                    options[aes] = palette[idx_value]
            query=query, row=pos["row"], column=pos["column"],
            options=options, title=title, label=label
    return instructions

def replace(label, mapping):
    "Replace key-> val in string `label`, for all key->val in `mapping`"
    if mapping:
        for old, new in mapping.items():
            label = label.replace(old, new)
    return label

[docs]def qplot(data, x, y, color=None, column=None, row=None, marker=None, linestyle=None, xlog=False, ylog=False, xlim=None, ylim=None, y_markers=None, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=4, y_legend=False, rename=None, font_size=12, usetex=False ): # check args y_multiple = isinstance(y, list) if y_multiple: if not isinstance(y_markers, list) or len(y) != len(y_markers): raise ValueError("y_markers must be a list of same length as y") if marker is not None: raise ValueError("cannot use marker in y_multiple mode") if linestyle is not None: raise ValueError("cannot use linestyle in y_multiple mode") plt.rc('text', usetex=usetex) plt.rc('font', family='serif', size=font_size) # get plotting instructions aes_fields = dict( color=color, column=column, row=row, marker=marker, linestyle=linestyle ) instructions = get_plot_instructions(data, aes_fields) # set figure nrows = max(instruction["row"] for instruction in instructions) + 1 ncols = max(instruction["column"] for instruction in instructions) + 1 if isinstance(figsize, float) or isinstance(figsize, int): figsize = (figsize * ncols, figsize * nrows) fig, axs = plt.subplots( nrows, ncols, squeeze=False, figsize=figsize, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey ) # set scales if xlog: plt.xscale("log") if ylog: plt.yscale("log") # iterate over plotting instructions for instruction in instructions: # get data if instruction["query"]: df = data.query(instruction["query"]) else: df = data # get ax ax = axs[instruction["row"], instruction["column"]] # plot ax if y_multiple: # iterate over y for i, (y_var, y_marker) in enumerate(zip(y, y_markers)): # set label if y_legend: label = instruction["label"] + " " + y_var else: label = instruction["label"] if i == 0 else "" label = replace(label, rename) # set aes if y_marker in AES_PALETTE["linestyle"]: instruction["options"].update(linestyle=y_marker, marker="") elif y_marker in AES_PALETTE["marker"]: instruction["options"].update(linestyle="", marker=y_marker) else: raise ValueError(f"unkown marker {y_marker}") # plot ax.plot( df[x], df[y_var], **instruction["options"], label=label ) else: # set label if y_legend: label = instruction["label"] + " " + y else: label = instruction["label"] label = replace(label, rename) # set aes if not linestyle and not marker: instruction["options"].update(linestyle="-", marker="") if linestyle and not marker: instruction["options"].update(marker="") if not linestyle and marker: instruction["options"].update(linestyle="") # plot ax.plot( df[x], df[y], **instruction['options'], label=label ) # set title title = replace(instruction['title'], rename) ax.set(title=title) # set limits if xlim: plt.xlim(xlim) if ylim: plt.ylim(ylim) # set xlabel and ylabel if y_legend: ylabel = "" else: ylabel = ", ".join(y) if y_multiple else y xlabel = replace(x, rename) ylabel = replace(ylabel, rename) any_label = any(instruction['label'] for instruction in instructions) for ax in axs.ravel(): ax.set(xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel) if any_label or y_legend: ax.legend() fig.tight_layout()