Source code for tramp.experiments.teacher_student_scenario

from ..algos.metrics import METRICS
from ..models import Model
from ..algos import TrackErrors, TrackEvolution, EarlyStopping, JoinCallback
from ..algos import ExpectationPropagation, StateEvolution
import pandas as pd
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TeacherStudentScenario(): """Implements teacher student scenario. Parameters ---------- - teacher : Model instance or any object with a `.sample()` method. Generative teacher model - student : Model instance Generative student model - x_ids : ids of the variables to infer (signals) - y_ids : ids of the observed variables (measurements) """ def __init__(self, teacher, student, x_ids=["x"], y_ids=["y"]): if not isinstance(student, Model): raise ValueError("student not a Model") try: sample = teacher.sample() except AttributeError: raise ValueError("teacher does not have a .sample() method") for x_id in x_ids: if x_id not in student.variable_ids: raise ValueError(f"x_id = {x_id} not in student variable_ids") if x_id not in sample: raise ValueError(f"x_id = {x_id} not in teacher variable_ids") for y_id in y_ids: if y_id not in student.variable_ids: raise ValueError(f"y_id = {y_id} not in student variable_ids") if y_id not in sample: raise ValueError(f"y_id = {y_id} not in teacher variable_ids") self.x_ids = x_ids self.y_ids = y_ids self.teacher = teacher self.generative_student = student def setup(self, seed=0): # teacher generate data sample = self.teacher.sample(seed) self.true_values = sample self.x_true = {x_id: sample[x_id] for x_id in self.x_ids} self.observations = {y_id: sample[y_id] for y_id in self.y_ids} # pass it to the student self.student = self.generative_student.to_observed(self.observations) def run_all(self, source="EP,SE", metrics=["mse"], **algo_kwargs): "Get mse values as estimated by EP or SE" self.setup() records = [] if "SE" in source: x_data = self.run_se(**algo_kwargs) records += [ dict( source="SE", x_id=x_id, v=x_data[x_id]["v"], n_iter=x_data["n_iter"] ) for x_id in self.x_ids ] if "EP" in source: x_data = self.run_ep(**algo_kwargs) records += [ dict( source="EP", x_id=x_id, v=x_data[x_id]["v"], n_iter=x_data["n_iter"] ) for x_id in self.x_ids ] x_pred = {x_id: x_data[x_id]["r"] for x_id in self.x_ids} score = self.compute_score(x_pred, metrics=metrics) records += [ dict( source=metric, x_id=x_id, v=score[x_id][metric] ) for metric in metrics for x_id in self.x_ids ] return records def run_se(self, **algo_kwargs): se = StateEvolution(self.student) se.iterate(**algo_kwargs) x_data = se.get_variables_data(self.x_ids) x_data["n_iter"] = se.n_iter return x_data def run_ep(self, **algo_kwargs): ep = ExpectationPropagation(self.student) ep.iterate(**algo_kwargs) x_data = ep.get_variables_data(self.x_ids) x_data["n_iter"] = ep.n_iter self.x_pred = {x_id:x_data[x_id]["r"] for x_id in self.x_ids} return x_data def ep_convergence(self, metrics, **algo_kwargs): # add TrackEvolution and TrackErrors to callback track = TrackErrors(true_values=self.x_true, metrics=metrics) evo = TrackEvolution(ids=self.x_ids) callbacks = [track, evo] if "callback" in algo_kwargs: callbacks.append(algo_kwargs["callback"]) algo_kwargs["callback"] = JoinCallback(callbacks) try: self.run_ep(**algo_kwargs) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) df = pd.merge( track.get_dataframe(), evo.get_dataframe(), on=["id", "iter"] ) for y in ["v"] + metrics: df[y] = df[y].clip(0, 2) return df def se_convergence(self, **algo_kwargs): # add TrackEvolution to callback evo = TrackEvolution(ids=self.x_ids) callbacks = [evo] if "callback" in algo_kwargs: callbacks.append(algo_kwargs["callback"]) algo_kwargs["callback"] = JoinCallback(callbacks) try: self.run_se(**algo_kwargs) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) df = evo.get_dataframe() df["v"] = df["v"].clip(0, 2) return df def compute_score(self, x_pred, metrics=["mse"]): score = { x_id: { metric: METRICS[metric](self.x_true[x_id], x_pred[x_id]) for metric in metrics } for x_id in self.x_ids } return score
[docs]class BayesOptimalScenario(TeacherStudentScenario): """Implements teacher student scenario in the Bayes Optimal setting. Parameters ---------- - model : Model instance Same generative model for both teacher and student - x_ids : ids of the variables to infer (signals) - y_ids : ids of the observed variables (measurements) """ def __init__(self, model, x_ids=["x"], y_ids=["y"]): super().__init__(teacher=model, student=model, x_ids=x_ids, y_ids=y_ids)
def run_state_evolution(x_ids, model, **algo_kwargs): """ Run state evolution for a given model. Parameters ---------- - x_ids : ids of the variables to infer (signals) - model : model that can be used in StateEvolution Returns ------- - records : list of x_id, v, n_iter """ se = StateEvolution(model) se.iterate(**algo_kwargs) x_data = se.get_variables_data(ids=x_ids) records = [ dict(x_id=x_id, v=x_data[x_id]["v"], n_iter=se.n_iter) for x_id in x_ids ] return records